My blog that became a book

My blog that became a book

When I graduated from Penn in 2007 I was thrilled to be back in the job market with freshly minted qualifications, but then I found that my age was a bigger hurdle to finding work. It was a shock to my system, and took some introspection to realize that I...
Retirement Project Site

Retirement Project Site

A friend had recently moved into the area, and so was no longer able to maintain her weekly posts on the old community, but still itched to write. We came up with a combination of portfolio and blog site, highlighting past popular pieces as well as commenting on her...
Site for Personal Career Counseling

Site for Personal Career Counseling

I met the owner of this site nearly a decade ago when she was still working out what her passion project should be. After creating an amazing flower and gift shop, that tied her down too much, she decided that her skills lay in helping others find new directions for...
Website for History Book Lover

Website for History Book Lover

I met the owner of this site some years ago and we developed a site concept and structure fairly speedily. Since then we have worked on creating templates for emails, social media, and are currently working on a cap design as a gift for new members. Some projects just...
CD Cover

CD Cover

This sleeve, liner notes and CD illustration were created for an organist to illustrate great examples of his playing.
Artist’s Monograph

Artist’s Monograph

This book contains the scans of every painting I created during a 100 day project to use an unfamiliar skill. I decided to try painting watercolor flowers, and some were better than others, so wanted one place where they could all be seen!