What can I do to help you?
If you run your own business, then you have probably had days when you have spent time doing everything BUT that thing you became an entrepreneur to do! For weeks (or months) you may have been doggedly trying to learn to do things you have suddenly had to learn how to do – or never wanted to learn to do – like filing your taxes! I’ve been there, trying to do it all, but after a few months, the strain of trying to do everything becomes counter-productive and you get too tired to do your real work – which isn’t exactly why you set off on your path to be an entrepreneur.
For me the first time I admitted I needed help was to keep the lawn mowed each summer. I was taking me a good two hours every two weeks to mow and edge my corner lot (yup, should have seen that coming!) but it takes the lawn care crew a mere 15 minutes to do it with their professional tools. After two years of reluctantly dragging myself and the lawn gear outside, getting hot and sticky, bitten by bugs, and cut and bruised by things flinging up from the edger and weed whacker, I realized that it was time to ask for help. The time it was taking to mow the lawn and bandage up the damage I had inflicted on myself cost so much more than the $30 I now pay to have someone else do it – while I am free to work on my business!
The second thing I realized I needed help with up was keeping my financial records. I can put numbers in a spread sheet, and keep a tally of money in and money out and what is currently in the kitty, but I really have no interest in trying to work out how to do anything more than that. I have friends who positively love running numbers and understand what to do with them, and once again, I realized I needed to ask for help. The time I spent laboring over the books was insane, and so having a competent professional take them on has freed up at least 2-3 hours a week – not to mention the hours I spent trying to avoid doing them!
So now you see why, even in the early stages of starting a business, your time is worth money, so it is vital to get help for those things you either hate doing or have no interest in doing. You will be so much more productive if you spend your time getting new clients or working on your business, than you will by forcing yourself to do tasks you have no aptitude for. In contrast, I help people like you, who are frustrated with the look or mechanics of their sites – or with trying to decide what on earth to do with their multiple social media accounts. I love coming up with solutions, or showing alternatives that better fit your needs, and the needs of your business. I love to see – or hear – delight and relief when I have saved someone from the time and frustration of trying to fix something on their site themselves!
So as I try to justify having a cleaner in to save me from my growing dust bunny farm, perhaps you can think about contacting me to help you with the design or technical problems that are eating into YOUR valuable time.